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Buyers Guide

Rating: 3
a first in Korea, the company has devoted itself to publicizing Korean-made goods to overseas buyers.
Until now, a great number of Korean exporters have knocked on doors of various international markets via Korea Buyers Guide and obtained a sustained success in their foreign marketing. In appreciation of its feats, the Korean government awarded to Buyers Guide the Iron Tower Decoration in the 18th Export Day. Many other prizes and letters of appreciation, including the prestigious Presidential Certificate of Commendation (in 1998), have been presented to us. Recently, Buyers Guide Corp. has sharply reinforced its overseas distribution system. Having a newly constructed overseas distribution network, this Korean publishing house has greatly expanded the contents of its data base that contains information on foreign buyers. As a result, its various magazines can be more exactly distributed to buyers overseas. To supplement the limit of its off-line magazine, the firm recently launched e-Buyers Guide which is the digital edition of Korea Buyers Guide and are delivered to more than 200,000 buyers across the world. So, the advertising impact of the magazine is expected to sharply improved from this year, 2004. At the same time, Buyers Guide Corp. has run a paper catalogue business for which the company has accumulated knowledge and experience of over 30 years, as well as, an electronic catalogue business utilizing up-to-date technology. It is, also, engaged in many other businesses, including directory compilation, publishing, translation and international public relations. We cordially look forward to your continued interest in and patronage of our home page and promise to do our best for the business success of our readers around the world. Sincerely yours,
Industry: Miscellaneous
Geography: Asia

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