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The Directory of Japanese Trading Companies

Rating: 2
Japan is already the world's second largest economy, but has been slow in adapting to the internet. This is about to change. The Japanese government has proposed a spending package to make Japan the leader in IT within the next five years. Whether this happens or not, it is evident Japan is finally getting serious about the internet. This is a great sign for trading companies around the world. Importers and exporters alike should benefit from this major market joining the IT revolution.
With the internet it doesn't matter how big or how small your company is, any company can benefit. EBiz can help your company benefit in many ways. eBizFinder Japan is the leading trade directory of Japan. EBizFinder Japan's search engine will help trading companies find potential trade partners using bilingual pages for each company. The eBizFinder search engine is free to everyone. EBizFinder Japan also has free registration for all companies; importers, exporters, manufacturers, etc. With your free registration you get a free partially translated Japanese-English page. Using eBizFinder Japan, Japanese trading companies can find overseas partners and overseas companies can find trade partners in Japan. The Japanese language barrier is a major obstacle to doing business for Japanese and overseas trading companies, and eBizFinder Japan wants to help all trading companies cross that barrier. A free bilingual web page and our BizFinder search engine are not the only ways eBiz can help your company. Companies can also find import and export opportunities on eBizFinder's bulletin board service. EBiz also offers liaison office services. We will be your personnel for you in Japan, and help you get your business going in Japan. We can help you with correspondence translation, and setting up a branch office in Japan
Industry: Miscellaneous
Geography: Asia

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