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Industrial Leaders

Rating: 3
the premier source to locate leading manufacturers and suppliers of industrial products worldwide. The site is in direct alliance with Worldwide Industrial Marketplace - the premier Global Industrial Search Engine, and - a parent company of 61 Industrial Portals serving 54 countries.
With some exceptions, most companies listed or featured on are leading industrial suppliers in their industry, or a major producer or distributor in their sector or market, either nationwide or worldwide. This includes manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers and industrial related service providers such as foundries, fabricators, mining companies, heavy construction firms, etc. based in the United States and is designed to increase trading activities with companies around the globe, primarily those seeking to buy/sell industrial supplies, equipment and machinery from or to North American markets. Qualified industrial suppliers in all countries seeking trading partnerships in domestic and/or overseas markets are welcome to submit a listing to our Industrial Search Engine at no cost or obligation. Please note that cannot guarantee any products or services listed from any company presented on its pages. Although all companies listed have been double checked for accuracy in the most careful manner, we are not responsible for the business or non-business activities of any company or individual listed on the site. Please read disclaimer notice below if you would like more information on this matter. Thank you for visiting - we welcome your return when you are looking for LEADING producers and suppliers of industrial products in your market.
Industry: Miscellaneous
Geography: America

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