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Global Trade Networks

Rating: 1
Global Trade Networks (GTN) is an international organization committed to addressing developmental issues in Africa. With a keen eye towards global integration, GTN serves as a connecting bridge between a wide spectrum of stakeholders -- the private sector, public institutions, governmental bodies, international organs and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) -- presenting new knowledge and understanding of key developmental issues to decision-makers and affording all stakeholders a better insight into Africas challenges and available solutions.
GTN's current primary focus is the information and communications technologies sector (ICTs). GTN firmly believes that when all decision-makers involved in ICT come together to exchange ideas and work in concert, they will be able to bring forth sound, workable solutions. Among the various projects GTN is involved in, ICT is the most exciting and rewarding because it involves real issues, real people, and real solutions. In fact, information and communication technologies have become GTN's primary concern because they are indeed where Africa's future lies. GTN has an overriding vision of bringing together users and providers of information and communication technologies to Africa. Key questions such as: what is available; what is best for Africa; and, what must Africa do to move forward in information and communications technologies are questions that different stakeholders must address head-on if Africa is to catch up to the rest of the world.
Industry: Miscellaneous
Geography: Global

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