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Sino Trade net

Rating: 3
SinotradeNet International Ltd was established in November, 1999. We put our emphasis on, a trade portal, where suppliers can show their product information and images. This brings those buyers from Hong Kong, China and overseas together to a dynamic trading environment. They can get the latest information through only just a click - a save in time and money.
We reserve huge storage space for our suppliers to keep their product information and images. E-mail account and web page are also provided to let other people to know more about you - that means higher profit. Beyond from that, we provide services of web hosting and page design for small- and medium-sized enterprises, connecting them to the global marketplace. Our server is connected to any place worldwide through broadband network. Network traffic is constantly monitored to ensure your fast connection speed. Our mirrored (master-slave) servers are hosted in China and Hong Kong to allow high speed access locally and worldwide. Backed up by energetic and professional staff both in Hong Kong and Shenzhen, any update in information of products and suppliers is quick and accurate. Let's get into the world of cyber-trade!
Industry: Miscellaneous
Geography: Global

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