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Global business intelligence for the digital age

Rating: 1
This website from the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) is designed to provide you with all the information and analysis you need to hone your business strategy for the global digital economy.
At the EIU, we believe that the opportunities and threats for business posed by the Internet are not primarily technological in nature. Rather, the Internet is transforming the basic ground rules according to which companies organise themselves and relate with their customers, partners, suppliers and competitors. To help you keep pace with the headlong e-business revolution, our site provides you with forward-looking analysis of new business models by the field's most respected thinkers, best-practice case studies to benchmark your company's digital strategy, timely briefings on the latest innovations in e-business world-wide, and country-by-country assessments to help you seize e-business opportunities around the globe. In short, our goal is to provide senior international executives with insight into all the strategic ramifications of the digital age. Hype is not our business. The Internet opens vast opportunities and poses momentous challenges, and we believe that companies need to adapt rapidly or risk failure. But we also sympathise with executives who worry they are being stampeded into costly decisions without sufficient knowledge. In a field swarming with false prophets, we aim to separate fact from fiction, strategic insight from empty bluster, and best practice from e-quackery.
Industry: Miscellaneous
Geography: Global

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